I am Tech Person, What make me able to become business person especially at startup world?
I always have Tech related mind, but i want to change direction to have good understanding about Business especially at Startup. What can i do or where do i start to become better at Business or Startup mind?
Tech people are natural entrepreneurs. Their deep understanding of technology gives them the edge they need to come up with new and innovative ideas, while their problem-solving skills and adaptability make them perfect for dealing with the challenges of running a business. In my opinion, tech people are the future of business.
You may like to start off by reading some business related books written by entrepreneurs themselves.
These are my fav:
– Zero to One by Peter Thiel
– The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
– The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
– The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
Ask questions to those who are running their own startups and get feedback about your thoughts too.
Most importantly, is to ask questions to learn more.